Wednesday, June 5, 2013

I am creating witch dolls, and when I make them ,and while I am trying to give them life[ by creating short animation films with them],or  even when just talking about them or thinking about them ,my heart is fill with joy!
It is giving me direct connection to my childhood!
Lately I opened a  facebook  group to witch dolls collectors,  I am searching for stories and  pictures of witches, and while doing this research I already  traced 3 serious Israeli witch dolls collectors with huge witches collections,. I have heard that there is a serious collector with more then 10,000 witch dolls!!!!
I must found  him!!!
And here is the link to my facebook group for witch collectors:

And here is where you can see some funny animation films with my witch dolls starring :

These are few of my witches, you can find them at my Etsy shop:

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